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Vanity Wagon I Clean Beauty, Green Beauty, Vegan Beauty

Clean Beauty, Green Beauty, Vegan Beauty

Diverse, universal terms but one similar objective: attaining beauty without compromising the safety of our health! Whether it's Clean Beauty, Green Beauty or Vegan Beauty, they all set afoot on providing the utmost care for your body and health with the best use of nature and its purest forms of ingredients only.

In one of the fastest-growing and leading industries such as beauty, people are now much aware of the health factors involved while buying skincare or makeup and they are open to gaining more knowledge of what goes inside their skin and body and thus one cannot ignore such aspects while creating their products.

 The world is full of rapidly increasing skincare companies, most are misleading the customers by falsely labelling their products with terms like clean or natural, or not keeping up with the transparency while there are a few brands who work to provide products that are organically tested, made with cruelty-free practices, and do not harm the nature in their making processes.

 There are a few tags that can be included in clean beauty:

  • Organic
  • Natural
  • Plant-Based
  • Toxin-free
  • Chemical-free
  • Paraben-free
  • Sulphate-free


Only half the famously known ‘natural’ products do have the actual ‘nature-derived’ ingredients that are good for your skin as well as your health. Not everyone’s skincare routine is as green as they think it might be.

Sometimes the contents labelled on the bottle might not reflect properly in the product and hence need to be tested before being added to the skincare routine. One must do a patch test before using them rigorously.

When you wish to define the terms such as vegan beauty: it involves products that lack the involvement of ingredients derived from animals and the absence of animals in the making process. Green beauty invites all products made and extracted from plants. While Clean beauty mainly incorporates the products that are away from all sorts of parabens, toxins, and sulfates.

If someone wants to find answers to younger-looking, clear skin, it will always lie in the lap of nature. But that also makes us aware of how important is the survival of nature and its sustainability.

When a product is curated, two of its aspects affect the environment: the ingredients in the product and the packaging. Hence, one must make sure that they are well aware of the practices of the brand before buying from them.

Switching to clean beauty has not been a millennial trend but an age-old tradition brought in by our ancestors who used nature to cure and heal their bodies. One must not overlook the demands of their body and definitely not allow chemicals to seep inside affecting their health in the longer run. That’s where clean beauty walks in!

Take a tiny step, switch to a natural product, and then move on to changing your skincare routine.


About Vanity Wagon

Vanity Wagon is an exclusive online market and informative place for all your beauty needs and issues. Created with the aim of changing our audience’s perspective towards beauty and helping them know the importance of clean and sustainable beauty, we have come a long way and have been creating an impact over the country.

One-stop-shop for all your skin and hair care solutions, we believe in trying and testing our products before we offer it to our audience. With that, we firmly stand by the rules of going cruelty-free and eco-friendly.

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