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Co-Washing: Meaning and Benefits

Co-Washing: Meaning and Benefits

Co-washing is suddenly gaining all the eyeballs in the beauty industry lately. It is one of the latest trends among others which is under the limelight. But what is co- -washing? Co-washing is actually short for “conditioner-only washing.” It is also known as the “no-poo” (as in, no shampoo) technique, where one does not use a shampoo regularly and instead washes their hair with only conditioners!

Think about it what do conditioners do? They help your hair become softer and reduce the frizz. In the co-washing technique, conditioners are used as cleansers which help textured and dry hair become clean and soft.

Co washing meaning

"A co-wash is the use of a specially formulated cream cleanser to remove buildup and cleanse the hair without the lathering or harsh ingredients, such as sulfates or parabens, typically used in shampoos"
-Jamyla Bennu

How to co wash hair?

One product does the work of two! You use a conditioner from the root to the tips of your hair. Apply and scrub like you do with a shampoo as it removes the dirt and grime and basically keeps your scalp hydrated. Rinse and re-apply as a conditioner on your hair. The conditioning properties of a co-wash locks the moisture in your hair, prevents breakage and leaves you with silky smooth hair, each time you co-wash your hair. 

Benefits of co-washing

  1. It maintains the natural moisture levels of hair. 
  2. It keeps your mane hydrated and moisturized.
  3. It gives your hair a smooth, silky finish.
  4. It saves you from buying different products as one product does the work of two.
  5. It does not strip your hair off its natural oils and keeps your textured hair hydrated and healthy.

Should you co-wash your hair?

If you have any of the below hair types, chances are co-washing would do wonders for you!

  1. Dry Hair
  2. Curly Hair
  3. Coily Hair
  4. Wavy Hair, and
  5. Textured Hair.

Co-washing works best for people who have the aforementioned types of hair. However, co-washing straight, fine hair is generally not recommended by hair experts. People with oily and fine hair texture could not be able to experience the benefits of co-washing as the moisture levels in their hair could increase and make their hair look even more greasy and flat! Also, women and men who suffer from conditions like scalp dermatitis, psoriasis or dandruff should only co-wash their hair occasionally to avoid further irritation.

VW Recommends

Manetain Store Co Wash with Neem & Peppermint

It promises to love your hair for what it is, wavy, curly, or coily. Feel the nourishing goodness of Argan, Jojoba, Grapeseed, Hibiscus and Vitamin E whilst the Neem, Peppermint, Tea tree and Rosemary gently cleanses your scalp and makes it soft too.

A Word Of Advice

  1. Alternating between co-washing and shampooing your hair is the right way to bring co-washing in your routines. Do not just depend on regular co-washing because deep cleansing is also necessary occasionally.
  2. Find the right conditioner for your hair type.
  3. Strictly, steer clear from silicones and sulfates!
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Priyanshi Agrawal - October 30, 2021

Never thought about this actually. We were always told that put conditioner only from mid hair to ends and never scalp.
But this sounds worth giving a try since I belong to the dry hair type.

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