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Glowing Skin During That Time of the Month: Master Your Monthly Cycle

Glowing Skin During That Time of the Month: Master Your Monthly Cycle

Managing periods comes with a myriad of problems- from cramps and mood swings to dealing with skin issues. Mood changes, caused by the hormonal fluctuations, can be eased by self-care techniques such as meditation and exercise.

What about your skin? Hormonal fluctuations can have an effect on your skin as well, which may result in higher oiliness, breakouts and sensitivity. To sail through your periods with the healthy skin, you need to create a skin care routine adapted to your hormonal needs. At the different stages of the menstrual cycle, the levels of estrogen and progesterone change which may impact your skin’s hydration, oiliness, and sensitivity.

Hormonal Acne

You may find that the appearance of your skin and the texture of your skin differ during different phases of your cycle. A case in point is that you could develop more frequent breakouts or acne in the premenstrual phase since your progesterone and testosterone levels increase. This high impact of hormones on your sebaceous glands can create more sebum and block pores making your skin break into pimples resulting in hormonal acne.

Skincare tips for hormonal acne

According to Skin Type:

If you have oily and combination skin, oil-free and non-comedogenic products would be the best option. They will help in avoiding the pores from getting clogged. For sensitive or dry skin, use products that are non-irritating and hydrating.

Soothing Ingredients:

Chamomile and Aloe Vera have the properties of soothing the skin and therefore, they help with inflamed and irritated skin. Use products containing these effective ingredients to treat redness and sensitivity.

Caution with Acne Treatments:

Avoid aggressive acne treatments like scrubbing and exfoliation as they strip skin of essential oils. Instead, choose gentle formulations.

Pain Relief:

Besides skincare, you should seek out other holistic ways to alleviate the pain of hormonal acne. Try pain relieving oils, heat patches and comfort products designed to reduce cramps and discomfort during the period but provide holistic support for your health.

Ingredients like azelaic acid and tranexamic acid that have recently become popular for their efficacy to deal with hyperpigmentation and inflammation caused by hormonal acne. Azelaic acid acts to unclog pores and decrease the visibility of acne while tranexamic acid inhibits melanin production, thus making them powerful components of skincare routines when hormonal imbalances are targeted. You may learn more about these ingredients here.

It would be worth adding gentle and nourishing products into a skincare routine that can address skincare issues which occur during menstruation. Explore our collection of menstrual care essentials designed to promote healthy, balanced skin every day, providing comfort and support throughout your entire cycle.

1. Nua Sanitary Pads & Cramp Comfort Heat Patches Combo

Relieve period discomfort painlessly with Nua pads—made of premium non-woven fabric, possessing excellent absorbency core. Toxin-free, prints and perfume-free, these pads ensure rash-free comfort. The pack offers different sizes for different flows and hygienic disposal covers. Nua Cramp Comfort, a self-heating patch following the principle of hot water bags, treats period pain naturally. Compact and discrete, it is formulated with all natural ingredients which provide continuous warming for a full 8 hours.

2. Dear, Klairs Gentle Black Facial Cleanser

Experience a gentle daily foam cleanser that effectively removes impurities, excess oil, and fine dust, leaving your skin clean and refreshed. Its gentle formula prevents dryness and irritation, making it suitable for daily use. Removal of excess impurities, residual oil, and makeup, as well as protection against environmental pollutants. Ingredients like Laminaria Japonica Extract, Centella Asiatica Extract, and Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid contribute to its efficacy and skin-nourishing properties.

3. Conscious Chemist® Acne Control Routine Kit

Complete acne-fighting routine that targets blemishes, unclogs pores, and reduces excess oil while hydrating the skin. Supercharged with salicylic acid and other potent exfoliating agents, it controls sebum, lightens pigmentation, and eliminates dead skin cells. Suited for all skin types with mild to heavy acne break-outs.

4. Power Gummies for That Time of The Month Period Pain Gummies

Experience relief from menstrual discomfort with these power gummies. Formulated with Chasteberry Extract to regulate hormone production and reduce cramps, Vitamin C to prevent iron deficiency, and Vitamin B6 to alleviate PMS symptoms. Aids digestion and reduces bloating and relieves anxiety and mood swings. Targets hormonal acne, and eases anxiety and muscle tension. Simply take 2 gummies daily, starting 3 days before your menstrual cycle, throughout, and 3 days after for optimal benefits.

5. Re'equil Oil Free Moisturiser

A lightweight, oil-free moisturizer helps hydrate the skin without clogging pores. Re’quil’s Oil free Moisurizer is perfect for normal, oily, or combination skin. Its lightweight, non-greasy formula hydrates without clogging pores, thanks to Betaine and Xylitylglucoside complexes. Use twice daily for a smooth finish and balanced skin. Complete with SPF for daytime protection.

By adopting a careful approach to your skincare and beauty rituals, you can effectively navigate hormonal fluctuations and maintain healthy, radiant skin throughout your menstrual cycle. Prioritize hydration, gentle cleansing, and soothing ingredients, while exercising caution with acne treatments, to address period-related skin concerns with confidence and care.

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