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How To Switch Between Your AM & PM Skincare Regime

How To Switch Between Your AM & PM Skincare Regime

Whether you’re feeling like indulging in minimalist skincare during the lockdown or have been all out with a maximalist approach, skincare beautifully fits in our lifestyle. Your skincare regime is not meant to be comprehensive 10-steps with an army of products, but if your lineup looks exactly the same in the day and night, there might be a problem. Regardless of sharing a few commons such as cleanser, moisturizer, and toner, the daytime products are formulated to work differently than the nighttime products. 

So, here we bring you some tips on how to build your arsenal for effective results.

The daytime regime is designed to nourish and shield the skin from environmental aggressors, free radical damage, and sun rays. An ideal morning routine consists of a cleanser, toner, serum, or cream with active ingredients like Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and topping everything with sunscreen. On the other hand, nighttime skincare products enrich and repair the skin with potent ingredients. Anti-aging and de-pigmenting ingredients are usually sensitive to sun rays and are always recommended to use during the night. For targeted skin issues like acne, fine lines, or wrinkles, potent ingredients like retinol and acids will be preferred during the PM routine as they will have an adverse reaction to the sunlight. Good PM skincare includes a cleanser, toner, serum, eye cream, and moisturizer as required.

Day VS Night Skincare Routine

While the sole purpose of both routines is to leave your skin healthy and glowing. Fundamentally, a daytime regime includes lighter layers as the bright sun will cause heat and sweat leading to clogged pores. Photosensitive skincare ingredients such as retinol and acids used during the day can cause pigmentation. Most importantly, sunscreen is the crucial step during the morning skincare routine.

Even if the day cream and night cream serve the same purpose of hydrating the skin. However there is a difference in the textures that plays a vital role in achieving your skincare goals. Day creams are lighter that allows the skin to breathe through the layer. Whereas, night creams have richer consistency and contain active ingredients to target the skin concerns like anti-aging, acne, to name a few.

The role of both the routines is pretty clear now- one hydrates and safeguards the skin and other repairs. It is not recommended to skip either, if you’re running late or too lazy to go through the different steps, we suggest you condense the steps. If you don’t wake up with greasy skin in the morning then you can skip cleanser. But never skip sunscreen during the day. During your nighttime regime, never overlook cleansing your skin as you want to get rid of all the dirt, grime, and oil that you have collected during the day. Lastly, do not forget to exfoliate your skin at least twice or thrice a week to improve your cell turnover.

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Priya - June 14, 2021


J - June 14, 2021


Taz - June 14, 2021

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