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Monsoon Haircare Guide To Tame Hair Woes

Monsoon Haircare Guide To Tame Hair Woes

Unlike other weathers that come with their own sets of beauty problems, monsoon season is a different ball game altogether. With soaring pollution and humidity levels, the rainy season is certainly not being adored by our skin and hair. This time of the year requires you to be extra careful of your hairstyles and regime to ensure your mane is in the best of health. 

Is rainwater bad for your hair? We all know rainwater is clean since it’s directly from clouds, however by the time it reaches the ground, it gets exposed to numerous layers of pollutants which makes it toxic and unhealthy for our hair. After the first couple of showers, it is also believed that the toxicity of the water reduces and won’t harm your skin or hair. Dermatologists  suggest to stay clear of the rains during the initial showers of the rain, later it is safer, and the pouring soft water is great for hair cuticles, unlike tap water. So, we will answer the most asked question, what’s the best way to take care of hair during the monsoon season? If you’re too dealing with bad hair days, then here are the top tips to take your hair from the desk to drinks frizz-free.

The first course of action – damage control: In case your hair is tangled due to wind or if it gets wet, just run a smoothening serum immediately to ease frizz and detangle your tresses conveniently without breakage. 

Do not oil: If you like a good champi as we all do, give it a skip for the humid season. Oiling sticky hair can add to the greasiness and more breakage. 

Make dry shampoo your BFF: Dry shampoo is every vanity’s best friend, soul sister, or as you want to call it. It does wonders at the time of hair crisis. Dry shampoo is the easiest way to get rid of stickiness and add volume to your hair instantly. Always stash a bottle and spritz it on when needed.

Don’t let dryness takeover: Product build-up is a problem for your scalp, the rest of the hair looks dry, frizzy, and lifeless. Use a good hair mask and deep condition your lengths to bring back the lost shine.

Has the rainy season got you all stressed about how to tame that frizz? Here, we got you a few of our favorite picks for your respite.

Bare Necessities Desert Dry Shampoo

Whether you’re running late for an important work meeting or just feeling lazy (we all have these days), this Desert Dry Shampoo will save you some precious minutes. All-natural and aerosol-free, it’s the perfect way to remove oil and dirt that camouflages well with brown or black Indian hair. 

Ohria Ayurveda Honey & Coconut Milk Hair Cleanser, Shampoo For Normal & Dry Hair

It is a complete hair potion infused with the goodness of Amla, Shikakai, Reetha. It is a natural nourishing cleanser with pure coconut milk, aloe Vera, jojoba, and honey to hydrate and help restore lustre and smoothen dry and damaged strands.

Arata Zero Chemicals Natural Hair Conditioner with European Blueberry, Raspberry Maple, and Castor Oil

An antioxidant-rich hair conditioner that replenishes the natural softness and shine of your hair. It is crafted with 100% nature-derived ingredients, this nourishing blend strengthens and hydrates while gently detangling and restoring a natural shine.

Maui Moisture Revive & Hydrate Hair Mask with Shea Butter

Creamy Shea butter is whipped into this hydrating mask blend along with rich coconut and macadamia oils to deeply quench, nourish, and soften strands to get your hair back to looking healthy. If your hair is feeling extra dry, use it as a leave-in treatment on wet hair to deeply condition strands.

Re'equil Pea Protein & Ceramide Hair Mask

This plant-based hair mask offers optimal hydration to the hair that means the hair is less prone to breakage. It repairs, moisturises, and flattens the raised hair cuticles, and smoothes out hair into a perfect velvety texture.

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Gauri - August 5, 2021


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