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Switch To Sustainable Makeup Remover Pads from Cotton Balls

Switch To Sustainable Makeup Remover Pads from Cotton Balls

Sustainability is the need of the hour, and we all should take baby steps towards making a switch before it’s too late. It’s a pretty known fact that the beauty industry is one of the major contributors to the overwhelming heaps of permanent waste manufactured annually. The waste is not just restricted to plastic bottles and fancy packaging, single-use items that we reach out to every time following a skincare regimen and then tossing it in the trash is a new evil. Yes, we are talking about disposable cotton balls that most of us use to remove makeup.

According to research, the amount of water required to produce one kilogram of cotton is equivalent to one of the basic T-shirts and the same amount one person would need to drink over three years. Keeping this in mind, we usually keep our t-shirts for longer than a day, so imagine the amount of water is wasted producing a single-use cotton ball.

Ditching these single-use cotton pads for a reusable alternative would not only reduce water wastage, but we’d be emptying our bins, and fewer cotton pads are disposed of and ending up in the landfill. These reusable makeup remover pads are washable and absolutely easy and gentle to use. It definitely helps save on some extra bucks and is great for applying toners and essences too.  Here’s our exclusive edit of reusable makeup remover pads that we are totally in love with. They’re safe and easy to use, we promise.

Bubblefarm Hemp Makeup Remover Pads

Discard those round cotton pads and get your hands on these reusable hemp cotton pads by Bubblefarm. These are absorbent, durable, and more insulating. Its puffy texture is gentle on the skin and sloughs away stubborn makeup in a single glide. This pad is made using 70% of hemp and 30% cotton, making it ideal to deep cleanse the skin without causing any irritation. Just apply your cleansing balm or makeup remover and wipe away the makeup. 
Always make sure to wash the makeup remover pad in warm water with a mild detergent.


Bubblefarm Bamboo Makeup Remover Pads

Single-use makeup removing wipes have always contributed to waste, so swap your disposable version with the reusable bamboo makeup remover pads by Bubblefarm to list away makeup like magic. It is made up of 70% bamboo fiber material and has good breathability with high absorbency. Apply the cleanser and get rid of the grime off your face. You can use this one to apply your toners and oils. 


Earth Rhythm Reusable Makeup & Cleansing Pad, Pink

This reusable round pad is fit for all dry, sensitive, and oily skin types. It is a multi-functional makeup remover that can sweep away foundation, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, liners all at once while retaining the health of the skin. All you got to do is soak this makeup remover pad in water/remover for 5-10 seconds. And, voila, a clean face!


Earth Rhythm Bamboo Charcoal Facial Pad, Black

We all are aware of charcoal’s capabilities of removing chemicals, dirt, impurities, and other skin enemies that result in clogged pores and acne. But, no more. This reusable bamboo charcoal facial pad, made using a bamboo fabric with charcoal to effectively pull away from the makeup, dirt, and even sunscreen resting in the skin pores while leaving skin rejuvenated and healthy.

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