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What Your Teeth Don't Want You to Miss

What Your Teeth Don't Want You to Miss

March 20th is a special day dedicated to bringing the spotlight on something we often overlook- oral hygiene. While we punctually follow skincare and workout routines, how many times do we make time to learn about the state of our mouths? Your mouth plays host to billions of microorganisms which are both beneficial and harmful.

Understanding Oral Microbiome

Oral microbiome is the diverse community of microorganisms, mainly bacteria, fungi and other microbes that reside in the mouth, teeth, gums, tongue, palate and throat.

The Balance WithinTheir balance is essential in proper functioning of the oral cavity. However, an excessive consumption of sugary products or improper cleaning will inevitably cause the appearance of cavities or bad breath.

Beneficial Bacteria: There is a certain class of bacteria that are beneficial to the oral health since these bacteria protect the teeth against harmful pathogens. The friendly bacteria are members of the microbiome that help to stop the growth of bad bacteria resulting in gum disease, cavities and oral infections.

Harmful MicroorganismsOn the contrary, harmful bacteria and fungi can break the balance of the oral microbiome and eventually lead to dental problems and diseases such as gum disease, tooth decay, and oral thrush.

The Gut-Mouth Connection: Surprisingly, the mouth and gut health are closely linked to each other. The activities in your mouth can have an effect on your digestion process, and vice versa. Having a neat mouth does not only mean possessing a beautiful smile; it also means feeling good from outside and inside both.

Practical Tips for a Healthy Mouth and Shining Smile

Having enough information about the oral microbiome, now we'll get to the practical tips to maintain a healthy and happy oral environment:

  1. Proper Brushing Technique:

Applying suitable tools such as the correct method can improve your oral hygiene routine by many folds. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush that is combined with a fluoride free toothpaste. Use light circular strokes on your teeth together with your gums while brushing for at least two minutes. Just don't forget to brush your tongue to get rid of bacteria and leave a mint fresh breath.

We recommend: Perfora Electric Toothbrush, Lilac Lavender

Designed to elevate the everyday brushing experience. Built in 2 minute timer and 30 second pulse guide which ensures that you brush consistently for 30 seconds in each of the 4 quadrants inside your mouth.

We recommend: The Tribe Concepts Bamboo Toothbrush

Made out of bamboo sticks, the bristles have activated charcoal which helps to keep your teeth clean and sparkling. Plastic-free and best alternative that nature has to offer.

  1. Regular Flossing:

Flossing is often underestimated but should be done carefully because toothbrush bristles can't reach the place between your teeth and along the gumline to remove plaque and food particles.. Make it a mandatory daily ritual to floss to keep that gorgeous smile that you have.

We recommend: The Grass Route Dental Floss

Zero Plastic product, made with bamboo fibers and coated with charcoal mint for an effective, fresh flossing experience.

  1. Wait Before Brushing After Acidic Foods:

It is not advisable to brush right after consuming acidic food or drink as it may cause tooth enamel to erode. Wait for 30 minutes at least. Also rinse your mouth with water to neutralize acids before brushing.

  1. Consider Your Toothpaste's Abrasiveness:

It is not necessary that toothpaste in all formulations is custom-made and unique. Make sure you choose toothpaste with a low abrasiveness and add Relative Dentin Abrasivity (RDA) level not higher than required.

We recommend: Arata Zero Chemicals Natural Toothpaste with Peppermint, Menthol, Clove, Cinnamon

A vegan, anti-bacterial recipe of peppermint, cinnamon, and chamomile extracts, formulated to give you strong, fresh, and healthy teeth and gums. The cooling ingredients prevent tooth decay, soothe your gums, and keep your breath fresh.

  1. Clean Your Toothbrush:

The accumulation of bacteria on your toothbrush can occur in case you are not careful enough. Prior to the next use, rinse the bottle well with water, keep it upright when air drying, and therefore avoid moisture stagnation. Refrain from covering your toothbrush and keeping it in a closed container because it is unhygienic and will silence the emergence of bacteria. Change the toothbrush every 6 months, since its repeated use and the process of cleaning bacteria and scuffle takes a toll on it and it stops being effective.

  1. Limit Sugary and Acidic Foods:

Though it's okay occasionally, having sugary and acidic foods regularly can put your dental health at risk. Make sure to keep these foods down to a bare minimum and drink a cup of water to help remove the sugars and acids from your teeth.

  1. Incorporate Mouthwash into Your Daily Routine:

Adding mouthwash to the new daily routine for oral hygiene provides further protection, because some areas of the mouth may be skipped during brushing and flossing. Choose the mouthwash that is free from alcohol, and also provide tooth decay prevention. Swish the mouthwash thoroughly in your mouth for 30-60 seconds after brushing and flossing and then spit it out. This additional step can wash out impurities completely from your mouth leaving you with a fresh breath and the health of your gum in good condition.

We recommend: Spicta Peach Mint Mouthwash

Natural, alcohol free mouthwash, which is made with delicious flavors to instantly make your oral care an unsurpassed experience! The fragrance is enriched with the soothing effects of green tea leaves and Alum for a fulfilling experience and prevention of burning.

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