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Why Do You Need Eye Creams For Bright Eyes?

Why Do You Need Eye Creams For Bright Eyes?

The search for the perfect eye cream feels like a never-ending job, particularly in the phase of zoom calls. We are all in the quest of that eye cream to help with everything from lifting dark circles, de-puffing eyes and softening fine lines – preferably the one that does all. 

First and foremost, decide on what you’re looking for and the results you expect from an eye cream, it might be firming or de-puffing, but it could also be simply hydrating. Either way, a good formula is a must. The under-eye area is always the first one to show the signs of aging as it is delicate, which requires proper nourishment and care. Your under-eye area lacks the support of underlying fat or sebaceous glands and makes the thin skin more prone to dryness and sagging. So, finding the ideal eye cream is more important than you think.

Do Eye Creams Really Work?

There is an ocean of eye creams for every skin concern – from those packed with the benefits of hyaluronic acid to plump and hydrate, to the formulas rich in antioxidants to protect the thin skin texture, an eye cream can do it all. An eye-cream with active ingredients teamed with a healthy diet can really make a difference. Always ensure to look for formulas with ingredients like retinol and vitamin C and hyaluronic acid.

How To Apply an Eye Cream?

Never ever drag or pull the skin around the eye. We repeat, NEVER do that; instead, tap or use a pressing movement to gently sweep the eye cream. You really don’t require much of the product, just take a pea-sized amount and apply it on your under-eye area and avoid using it over your upper eyelid, however be sure to apply over the brow bone to enjoy the benefits of an eye cream. And finally, eye cream application must be the last step of your skincare regime than the first.

Without further ado, we present you our edit of the must-have eye creams with clean, non-toxic and cruelty-free ingredients to let you have bright eyes all year long.

The Moms Co. Natural Vita Rich Under Eye Cream with Coffee and Vitamins

This vita rich under eye cream is nourished with chia seed oil, coffee oil, vitamin B3 and vitamin E to take down the stubborn fine lines, dark circles, and puffiness.

Dr. Sheth's Date & Quinoa Under Eye Cream with Hyaluronic Acid

A brilliant all-rounder, this lightweight eye cream tackles everything from dullness to fine lines and puffiness. It works amazingly in combating pigmentation and diffuses blood vessels for a brighter look.

Shankara Anti-Age Eye Cream with Rose and Borage Oil

This cult favourite, anti-aging eye cream is infused with calming and nourishing properties to soothe delicate skin around the eyes. It is a super-hero product to fight the signs of aging, puffiness and dark circles.

BareAir Under Eye Cream with Cucumber Extracts, Vitamin C and E

From de-puffing to firming, this Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Caffeine Extract, packed formula is your guy. Its natural ingredients will sink in seconds and give your eyes a much-needed rejuvenation. 

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