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Best Homemade Bridal Face Packs For Glowing Skin

Best Homemade Bridal Face Packs For Glowing Skin

Bridal care mostly starts prior to 3 months of marriage, and what better than home remedies for bridal skincare! As the wedding season approaches, the brides-to-be get a mountain full of tips and tricks of how to get a glowing skin from all the kinsfolk around. So, we accumulated all that advice and fished out the most effective and best homemade bridal face packs for glowing skin here under! 


  1. Face Pack for Oily Skin

Ingredients Needed: 2 tbsp of Fuller's Earth, ½ tsp of Turmeric powder, ½ Lemon’s Juice

  • Take Multani Mitti powder and add turmeric powder to mix the dry ingredients first.
  • Add lemon juice and dilute further (if needed) with some rose water to form a thick paste.
  • Blend well and apply on the face and neck.
  • Wash off with water and moisturize to get a cleansed, nourished and oil-free skin.
  1. Face Pack for Instant Glow

Ingredients Needed: 2 tbsp of Powdered Oats, 1½ tbsp of Honey, 1 Lemon’s Juice

  • Take powdered oats and add honey to bind them.
  • Add lemon juice and dilute further (if needed) with some rose water to form a thick paste.
  • Mix well and apply on the face and neck.
  • Scrub it off and moisturize to get an instant glow.
  1. A De Tan Face Pack- Homemade


Ingredients Needed: 2 tbsp of Coffee, ½ Lemon’s Juice

  • Take coffee and add lemon to it.
  • Stir well until the paste is lump-free.
  • Apply on the face, neck or tanned areas.
  • Scrub it off and moisturize to get a brightening glow (hello Vit C) plus reduced tan.
  1. Face Pack for Glowing Skin

Ingredients Needed: 2 tbsp Rice flour, 1 tsp Aloe Vera Gel, ½ Lemon’s Juice and a mixture of 1-2 strands of kesar mixed in milk

  • Take rice flour, add aloe vera gel, lemon juice and the mixture of kesar and milk.
  • Add lemon juice and dilute further (if needed) with some rose water to form a thick paste.
  • Mix well and apply on the face and neck.
  • Scrub it off and moisturize to get an instant glow.
  1. Face Pack for Bridal Glow And Brightening Skin

Ingredients Needed: 2 tbsp Gram Flour (Besan), ½ tsp Turmeric, 1 tsp Curd, ½ Lemon’s Juice

  • Take Besan and add turmeric powder to mix the dry ingredients first.
  • Add curd and lemon juice to blend the mixture thoroughly (should be a medium consistency batter, neither pourin nor thick).
  • Apply and let sit for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse off and moisturise.
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