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Five Beauty Bloopers That Dry Out Your Skin

Five Beauty Bloopers That Dry Out Your Skin

You keep slathering moisturizer, but your skin still feels parched, dry, and itchy. Moisturizer alone won’t help you with your dry skin if you are following the wrong beauty habits. A lot of factors influence how your skin reacts and feels, even when you don’t realize – these beauty habits can take a toll on your skin’s health. Here, we list out what you shouldn’t be doing to meet your skin goals.

  • Hot Showers
  • Steamy, the warm shower feels good and relaxing, but it does just the opposite to the skin. Hot water strips the natural oils from the skin that helps in retaining the skin’s moisture level.  The outermost layer of skin comprises a protective layer of oil that warmer showers can disrupt. That’s why after a long, hot shower you come red, itchy, and dry. If you have a dry skin type, just go for a nice lukewarm shower to keep it relaxing.

  • Not Enough Hydration
  • You’ve heard that enough that drinking 8 ounces of water is a must to keep the body hydrated. It’s very much true, drinking water can effectively flush out the toxins out of the body and keep the skin hydrated and glowy. Despite drinking water, eat water too. Yes, you read that right. Add water-rich foods like watermelon, zucchini, and more fruits to your diet.

  • Using Harsh Skincare
  • Chemical-laden cleansers, soaps, gels, lotions, and other products you coddle your skin with can contain toxins and additives that can actually irritate and damage your skin. Ward off all the nasties like petroleum waxes, sulphates, synthetic fragrances from your skincare routine. These harsh ingredients do not do your skin any favour when it comes to beauty. The one with sensitive skin, choose products that do not over dry your skin and have few ingredients with no scent.

  • Not Moisturizing The Right Way
  • Yes, moisturizing at the wrong time and not the right way. Moisturizing can help prevent dry skin. However, it is more effective when done at a better time. Get ready with your favourite lotion, cream, and emulsifier after you get out of the shower while the skin is damp. This step will help lock in the moisture and replenish skin far better than if you apply the lotion to dehydrated skin. Do not forget to slather your hands and face after every wash.

  •  Not Using Oils
  • If you’re not using oils, your skin is definitely missing out on the magic. Applying oils to your skin may seem counter-intuitive, but oils are better when it comes to hydration. It is a lesser-known fact that oils balance out your skin and replenish the natural protective layer of oil in the skin. Apply oil to your face and body, it will leave your skin soft and hydrated like never before.

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